Generalized Anxiety Disorder | About Anxiety

Get the Hard Facts About Generalized Anxiety Disorder

If you get anxious about eventualities which might not happen and you frequently experience tension and worry for no good reason, you may be suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Consistent fear and worry without just cause are symptoms of this mental health condition.

In particular, if your anxiety, fear, and worry make it difficult for you to take care of daily tasks and to enjoy work and downtime, it’s quite possible that you suffer from GAD (generalized anxiety disorder).

Sadly, this condition drains the energy and joie de vivre from its sufferers. It negatively impacts their state of mind, as well as their overall vitality levels.

Chronic worry is a fact of life for some. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. There are treatments for GAD and we’re here to share a lot of useful coping tips today.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

Symptoms of GAD include feelings of dread and uneasiness which affect the way that sufferers view the world and experience life. Anxiety is less extreme than it would be during a panic attack. However, it lasts longer. People with this disorder find it difficult to relax completely and they may find the everyday challenges of life to be very daunting.

Everyone worries. However, people with Generalized Anxiety Disorder worry a lot more than most. People with GAD expect catastrophe, even when minor things go wrong. For example, a negative comment from a work superior may haunt the GAD sufferer and make him or she anticipate being fired. With this disorder, negative experiences “snowball” internally and become larger and more traumatic.

In most cases, the person with GAD is greatly exaggerating the negative fallout from bad experiences, comments and so on.

Some mental health experts feel that the worry and anxiety which are triggered by GAD are a defense mechanism. They protect the sufferer by allowing him or her to anticipate the worst and prepare for it mentally. The key to unlocking better mental health is to stop the loop of negative thoughts.

Understanding how GAD works will help a lot. Read up on the disorder as much as you can. Knowing how it affects you is important! However, there are more ways to get a handle on this disorder, which may also cause physical symptoms, such as digestive difficulties and insomnia.


Treatment Options for GAD

Generalized anxiety disorder is definitely treatable, so you don’t have to resign yourself to fear, doubt and worry which last a lifetime. Getting proactive about seeking out treatment is the best way to relieve the tension which is triggered by this disorder.

Medication is one option. There are drugs which ease anxiety and your family doctor or psychiatrist may recommend one or more of them for you. In particular, anti-depressants are able to successfully alleviate symptoms in many GAD sufferers. The most popular form of treatment for this disorder is antidepressants of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor type. They are known as SSRIs for short. One example is Prozac – however, there are many other drugs of this type.

If you need help, talk to your doctor about these medications today. Therapy may also allow you to see the world in a more positive light.

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