Self Care for Women: Daily Practices

self care for women through friends

Self-care for women has always been a hot topic.

It’s gained so much attention that self-care has now become a buzzword. But self-care for women is more than just the day spas or the bubble baths, although they do help a lot. The small everyday things that we do all contribute to our self-care. It is loving yourself enough to keep yourself healthy in all aspects.

While self-care for women should be their top priority, it is often the most neglected.

Self-care is the process of nurturing oneself. However, with today’s fast-paced world filled with so many responsibilities, many women tend to neglect their self-care. They put others first and put their own self-care on the back burner. This usually leads to burnout and neglect.

Self-care for women is essential.

In this post, we share some self-care strategies to help you take care of yourself and achieve balance in your life.

Related post: Women and Anxiety

Self-Care for Women: Daily Practices

Recognize that Self-Care for Women is Not Selfish

Self-care means loving yourself enough to take personal responsibility for your own physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual health.

For a lot of women, they feel that self-care is selfish. But this is quite the opposite. Self-care is preventative, never selfish.

When people, especially women don’t make self-care a priority, they put others first. This can lead to resentment, lower quality of life, and even burnout. Additionally, not caring for yourself prevents one from having rich and fulfilling lives.

The first step to prioritizing self-care in your life is by recognizing that it is never selfish. In fact, it is essential.

Drink Enough Water

Never underestimate the importance of water for our health.

Another key self-care practice for women is staying hydrated. It’s recommended to drink about 90 ounces of water for women, Staying hydrated is not only good for our physical well-being but it helps us mentally and emotionally as well. When we are healthy physically, our mental and emotional states follow.

So, don’t forget to drink up on your water.

Boost Endorphins with Exercise

Exercise is something that will never be left out from a list of healthy self-care to-dos for women. Aside from exercising regularly being good for the body, it also boosts your mood.

There are so many different types of exercises available. You can try yoga, running, jump rope, or just walking your dog. Make it fun by either having a workout buddy or joining a fitness group. You’ll not only keep yourself healthy but meet new people and forge better relationships.

Regular exercise helps increase blood flow, bone density, and heart health, just to name a few.

Actively Listen to Those Around You

Listening is a great way to practice self-care. In a society where everyone wants to talk and be heard, it’s so powerful to listen.

When you are engaging in your next conversation, make sure to listen to respond, and not to react. This not only shows empathy and respect for the person talking, but it will also strengthen and improve your relationship with the other person.

When you seek to make conversations a collaboration instead of a one-sided thing, you can make more meaningful sense of your community. This leads to better relationships and more fulfilling life.

Self-Care for Women Includes Being Your Own Best Friend

Do you treat yourself the same way you treat your best friend? What would happen if you strive to do that?

We think you would likely be more attuned to your needs. You would likely give yourself full support for your dreams and goals. Additionally, you would be more generous and kinder to yourself, especially when you make mistakes.

One of the most important things you can do for others is by filling your cup first. And one great way to get started is by becoming your own best friend who is there for love, support, and encouragement. See how stronger you become when you treat yourself as you would a loved one or a friend.

Self-Care Tip for Women: Spend Time Alone

Spending time alone may not be for everyone, but we highly suggest you try it.

When you spend quality time alone, it is anything but lonely. Additionally, this time alone allows you to step back and rest, while the rest of the world to continues spinning.

Time alone doesn’t have to be days at a time, cooped up in a house situated in a forest away from the rest of the world. Although, that kind of retreat would be great!

It can be as simple as sitting quietly outdoors, reading a book at the park, or sitting in your favorite comfortable chair with a cup of coffee. Anything that can recharge and re-energize you.

Self Care For Women: Learn Something New 

Humans love routine but in order to spice things up once in a while, it’s always nice to try something new.

There are so many things to explore, you just have to find what interests you and sparks joy. Try a new sport, a new craft, learn a new instrument, or even take a new route to and from work.

Additionally, if you learn something new, chances are, there are a lot of other people wanting to learn the same thing. This is a great way to meet new people and make new friends.

Do Some Spring Cleaning

Whether it’s your table, your bedroom, your laptop, or your online files. declutter your surroundings.

Delete or throw away things you don’t need. Recycle, upcycle, or donate old clothes. Delete old photos and videos that are only taking up space on your laptop.

Decluttering is a great way to feel refreshed and re-energized. You’ll be amazed at how fresh you feel after decluttering.

Set Digital Boundaries

Setting online boundaries, specifically on social media, is so important.

This self-care habit is good to practice every day. Whether it’s just 1 hour of uninterrupted meal time or no phones before bed. These small habits will make a huge difference.

It is especially important during this pandemic that we be mindful of our usage of technology and exposure to social media. Since we are all online most of the time, we need to mindfully take breaks to detox.

Practice Mindful Journaling

Journaling gives us a chance to reflect on our thoughts and really feel those emotions. When we learn to accept and feel our emotions instead of pushing them under the rug, we become better human beings.

As you start or continue your journaling practice, write down one step you are promising to take in order to put self-care on your top priority.

Self-Care for Women Includes Saying NO

How many times have you said “yes,” to a request, but wanted to say no?

Learning to say no is a skill. It isn’t bad and it is definitely a key self-care habit that can strengthen your confidence and free your inner strength. Saying NO when you can’t take on more responsibility or just don’t want to is not selfish.

Cultivate Kindness

Kindness goes a long way and it’s not only good for the other person but for yourself as well. Here are a few ways to show kindness every day, both to others and yourself:

Get Going on Gratitude. 

Embrace everyday blessings. Expressing gratitude is so essential for our mental health.

When you are grateful, you focus on the good and positive. This makes for a more fulfilling life.

In Conclusion: Self-Care For Women is Essential

There’s no “one-size-fits-all” when it comes to self-care, especially for women. Self-care looks different for everyone and it’s essential to find what works for you. But the important thing to note is that self-care is essential and should always be on our top priority.

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