Depression and Anger | What is the Connection?

Depression and Anger

Is There a Connection Between Depression and Anger?

Yes, there is very often a strong connection between depression and anger. If you’ve ever felt sad and blue, it may be because you’re repressing feelings of anger. Often, sadness is a cloak for rage and it’s important to look inward. Ask yourself what is really bothering you!

Are you pushing anger deep down and resigning yourself to feeling depressed, rather than allowing yourself to feel your anger and then move past it? This is quite common. In fact, therapists often explore anger issues when they are helping patients who are suffering from depression. Sometimes, we feel guilty about feelings of anger, as they may make us feel like bad people. It’s probably more socially acceptable to be down in the dumps. However, anger will always come out somewhere and this is why we need to deal with it head-on.

While every case of depression may not have its roots in anger, a lot do. Luckily, there are ways to treat depression and therapy definitely isn’t the only option, although therapy is certainly valuable.

How to Treat Depression and Anger

A doctor will need to examine you unless you’re planning on seeking out therapy on your own. We actually recommend seeing a doctor before you do anything else, as a licensed physician will have access to the most resources for treating anger and depression. For example, a doctor will be able to prescribe medication if it’s appropriate.

Most therapists are not able to prescribe. Only psychiatrists, who are licensed medical doctors, have the power to prescribe. As well, doctors know which therapists are good and they may be able to give you a referral to the right person.

In terms of options, most people who are depressed and angry utilize a combination of medication and therapy in order to turn things around. For example, antidepressants, such as SSRIs, are often prescribed. Therapy may be cognitive behavioral therapy, group therapy or another type of therapy. Some people do ok with medication alone or therapy alone. Others need a dual treatment strategy which addresses the physical and psychological aspects of depression.

If you want a natural approach, you might want to think about cleaning up your diet. There is a link between unstable mood and consumption of processed foods. For example, foods which are high in sodium may boost blood pressure and this tends to make a person feel more anxious. As well, foods which are high in refined sugars wreak havoc with blood sugar levels, which also influence mood. A clean, organic diet which is heavy on fruit and veggies and features some lean proteins will be a smart choice.

Get the Help That You Need

You deserve to be happy. Deciding to get help is, therefore, the most important decision that you can make right now. Once you visit a doctor, you’ll be on the path to wellness. We all have strong emotions at times which may tip the scales, throw us off balance and lead to depression and anger. A doctor will be able to help you restore mental balance.

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