Depression Among Children


Depression Among Children: An Overview

Why is depression among children widespread especially in today’s day and age?

It’s normal for kids to feel sad or be in a bad mood at times. It’s also common for kids to act grouchy or sometimes even throw tantrums.

But what happens when a child’s sad or bad mood lasts for weeks or months at a time? If you observe this in your child and also notice that there are other changes in your child’s behavior, it might be depression.

In this article, we will be discussing depression among children, its causes, and how you can help them.

What is Depression?

Let’s first delve into what depression is.

Depression is a mood disorder. This disorder can cause feelings of sadness, irritability, anger, or hopelessness. Some symptoms include loss of appetite, insomnia, and mood swings. Depression affects your relationship with others and can also cause you to lose interest in hobbies or activities that you previously enjoyed. Additionally, severe cases of depression can lead to thoughts of suicide.

So, when do we know if someone is going through depression or is just feeling sad?

Depression is usually diagnosed if symptoms last for more than two weeks. If you or your child is experiencing this, it is best to consult a medical professional for a proper diagnosis.

Is Depression Among Children Common?

Yes. Childhood depression is possible.

Depression among children is different from the normal “blues” or the usual mood swings that children often go through. But it’s good to note that just because a child seems sad, off, or has mood swings, this does not automatically mean that they have depression. However, if these moods last more than two weeks, then it’s best to consult with a medical professional.

Additionally, parents must observe if their child’s moods of sadness or hopelessness are affecting their school, interest, and social life, then they may have depression.

Depression and anxiety are some of the most common mental health disorders among children. According to studies, about 7% of children from the age of 3 to 17 have anxiety, and about 3% deal with depression. In addition, depression and anxiety tend to be higher in older children and in teenagers.

What Causes Depression Among Children?

As parents and adults, we sometimes have the notion of children being happy and carefree. This is why we sometimes neglect the signs and symptoms they show that may be pointing to anxiety or depression.

So what causes depression among teenagers and children?

Just like depression in adults, depression in children can be caused by several factors. It can be a combination of factors that relate to physical health, life events, the child’s external environment, or social life.

Here are some of the factors that cause depression among children:

How to Know If My Child Is Depressed?

The symptoms of depression in children vary from each child.

Here are some of the primary symptoms of depression among kids that parents should watch out for.

There are no specific medical or psychological tests today that can clearly show depression in kids and teens.

However, there are certain tools such as questionnaires that can be very helpful in assisting mental health professionals to diagnose depression in children.

If you think your child is showing signs of depression, please talk to a healthcare provider. you may want to start with your child’s pediatrician. Although they may not specialize in mental health, your child’s pediatrician may refer you to a mental health specialist for a more comprehensive evaluation.

Can Depression in Children Be Prevented?

There are different ways to cope with and prevent depression.

Depression can result from certain situations and factors in a child’s life. These factors can be external environmental ones or biological ones.

As a parent, you can’t always be in control of or remove these stressors in your child’s life, and you shouldn’t have to. It’s essential for children to learn how to deal with their own stress, but you can help them do so in a healthy way. This may not fully prevent depression among your kids, but it definitely helps improve their mental health.

It’s important that your child gets these to improve their mental well-being:

When you have your child visit a mental health professional, they will likely start by ruling out conditions that may possibly be causing your child’s change in mood and behavior.

Some of these illnesses that are known to cause symptoms of depression include the following:

Lastly, if these (and other) illnesses are ruled out, then your child’s mental health specialist will then look into the possibility of depression.

What Are the Treatment Options for Depression?

The treatment options for children experiencing depression are similar to those for teens and adults.

The treatment options include:

In Conclusion

It definitely is scary for a parent to see their child go through depression. But know that depression can be cured and there are steps you can take to help your child.

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