How to Cope with Depression

dealing with and coping with depression

Feeling down but don’t know how to start to cope with your depression?

When negative feelings arise and you feel depressed, you will naturally find ways to cope with your depressions.

However, there is a difference between healthy and unhealthy ways to cope with depression.

Some of the negative coping tactics include overeating, isolating yourself, alcohol or drug abuse, self-harm, and other forms of medication.

This not only puts you in danger, but it makes the depression worse.

You are Not Your Diagnosis

Talking to your doctor is an important first step when you feel down or depressed.

But for a lot of people, being diagnosed with depression leaves them with a lot more questions than answers. They also ask themselves why it has happened to them.

It is definitely a difficult experience to deal with. But one thing to remember is that you are not your diagnosis. You are a person that happens to have depression.

By having this mindset, and not equating your whole life and self with your diagnosis, you’ll be in a better mindset to overcome and cope with your depression.

Ways to Cope With Depression

If you’re feeling depressed, here are some strategies to help you cope with your depression.

Stay in Touch

Feeling down and depressed can make us tempted to self-isolate and withdraw from our friends and family.

One important thing to keep in mind is that a healthy way to cope with depression is by staying in touch with loved ones.

When you withdraw from life, the worse it can get.

Socializing can help improve your mood. Additionally, when you stay in touch with your friends and family, you can talk about your feelings. This helps lighten the load.

Ask a friend to meet up for a coffee, or go to the movies, or have an exercise date with your friends. The important thing is to stay connected in order to keep your support network strong.

Stay Involved

another way to cope with depression is by socializing and staying involved in your community.

Although you may feel like you want to keep to yourself, maintaining your social life is important.

Of course, time alone to reflect and process your feelings is as important. But when you keep a strong support network, you can better avoid spiraling down into more depression.

Volunteer in your local community, adopt a pet, volunteer at a clean-up drive, or just volunteer to help out more at home.

When you do something good for someone else, it will help lift your spirits.

Depend On Others

This is linked to the last two items. Find your support network and lean on them.

Asking for help and depending on others is not a sign of weakness. It’s actually a sign of strength.

Friends and family can help lift your spirits when you feel low.

Of course, there are some exceptions to the rule. You may have a judgemental aunt who says you just need to “be happy”, or a Debbie Downer friend who talks about her own problems when you try and bring up yours. It’s good to stay away from these types of people while you are trying to cope with your own depression and emotions.

Aside from depending on your family and friends, try to join a support group.

You may feel more comfortable sharing your experience with them knowing that they are also going through something similar.

Be More Active to Help You Cope with Depression

It can be tempting to just lock yourself in your room and binge-watch Netflix all day when you’re feeling down. However, neglecting your physical health will only make things worse.

Try to take up some form of exercise. Aside from the physical benefits you get from exercising, there are a lot of mental benefits as well. Exercise is a mood-booster and it keeps you healthy and fit. It is also a great way to cope with depression, stress, and anxiety.

You don’t have to go on a full-on marathon. You just need to start somewhere.

Try a brisk walk outside, or jog around the neighborhood, or dancing to some upbeat music. Anything to get your heart pumping.

Journal Your Thoughts to Cope with Depression

Writing in a journal is great therapy and can help you manage depression.

You can relieve stress by being open about your thoughts, feelings, and concerns in your writing — and stress management is an important part of living well with depression.

Be totally honest in your private journal. It helps to release your emotions when you write about your thoughts and feelings around depression.

It’s amazing how much you can let go of and how therapeutic writing can be.


If the weather is too bad to go outside, try reading something instead. Reading is a great indoor activity that helps stimulate the mind.

Additionally, it helps you think more creatively, improves your imagination, concentration, and increases your knowledge. Here are a few self-help books you can try out.

The Anitdote: Happiness for People Who Can’t Stand Positive Thinking

Change Your Brain, Change Your Life

Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy

There are hundreds of self-help books to boost your mood and help you cope with your depression. You just need to find one you enjoy reading.

Drink Moderately and Responsibly

When you are struggling with depression or anxiety, remember that alcohol is not the answer.

It can be tempting to drink your feelings away. However, drinking too much alcohol can make the symptoms even worse.

Additionally, if you are taking any medication for your depression, alcohol may have a negative interaction with the medication.

Focus on living a healthy lifestyle instead.

Don’t Push your Feelings Away

When you feel depressed, it’s easy to just hide away, isolate yourself from the world, and shove your feelings under the rug. But in order to cope with depression in a healthy way, it’s much better to face and deal with your feelings.

Take time to recognize your emotions and feelings. Allow yourself to feel them. Then try to talk to a loved one, friend, or therapist who can listen.

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is being aware and staying in the present moment. While it may sound simple, mindfulness is not just sitting cross-legged and chanting ommm all day.

In order to truly reap the benefits of mindfulness, consistent practice is essential.

You can start small by allotting ten minutes each morning to meditate. If you are a beginner at this, you can use a few guided meditations to help you/ There are tons of free audios and videos online that you can check out.

Walk in Nature

Nature is very therapeutic and being in nature can definitely help one cope with depression.

When walking in nature, be mindful and embrace the small things around you.

Notice the weather, is it hot or cold outside?

Notice the plants and trees, is there a flower you’ve never seen before? What color is it? What does it smell like?

Pay attention and listen to the sounds around you. Are the birds chirping? Is the wind blowing in your hair? Are the leaves crunching under your feet?

While in nature, take slow and deep breaths to truly enjoy the moment.

Cope with Depression in a Healthy Way

We all deal with and cope with depression, anxiety, and stress in different ways. But it’s important to note when we are coping in a healthy or unhealthy way.

Of course, not all of the strategies listed above can help you handle your emotions when done alone. It takes consistent practice and a combination of several healthy habits to help you cope with your emotions.

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