Minor Depressive Disorder: What To Know

What Is Minor Depressive Disorder

What is minor depressive disorder?

Sadness is a normal human emotion. Everyone has feelings of grief, irritability, or sadness.

Minor depressive disorder is more than just an emotion. It is a diagnosable condition that can have a significant impact on a person’s life.

The symptoms include low energy, irritability, loss of interest in school, work, or hobbies, and extreme feelings of sadness. It can be an indicator of major depressive disorder. If not treated, the disorder can result in serious health complications.

What is Minor Depressive Disorder-How is It Different From Major Depressive Disorder

Minor depressive disorder is a mood disorder. It is also known as minor depression. People who suffer from the disorder will experience a minimum of two but a maximum of five symptoms of depression for two or more weeks.

The symptoms of minor depression are similar to those of major depression, but they are less severe.

In contrast, major depressive disorder refers to a disorder where one suffers from a minimum of five symptoms of depression along with a loss of interest in their normal activities and irritability.

For both major and minor depressive disorders, the symptoms have to affect the person’s ability to go on with their normal lives. Both disorders require urgent medical attention.

The Depressive Episode

A depressive episode is a period when symptoms of depression persist in an individual. For minor depressive disorder, it is usually two weeks, and it may last for months. Most people go through at least one depressive episode in their lifetime.

Even though they can happen to anyone, depressive episodes are more common in women than men. It is advisable to get professional treatment for all depressive episodes. Proper treatment reduces the risk of experiencing another episode and makes it possible to enjoy a normal life.

Failure to get treatment increases your chances of experiencing another depressive episode that is more severe than the previous one.

What Is Minor Depressive Disorder? – Symptoms

Part of answering the question ‘what is minor depressive disorder?’ is understanding its symptoms. Anyone who suffers from minor depression experiences feelings of sadness and emptiness. They lose interest in activities that they enjoyed and experience a strain in their relationships. The following are other symptoms that they may encounter.

The symptoms persist for a minimum of two weeks. They may, however, present themselves differently based on age and gender

What Causes Minor Depressive Disorder?

When answering the question ‘What is minor depressive disorder? ‘ it is important to understand its causes. The causes of minor depression, like major depression, are complex. They may be biological, social, or psychological. While minor depression may present itself as an isolated case, it may also be a symptom of other underlying conditions. Some of the things that may increase a person’s likelihood of getting the disorder include;


Fortunately, depression is a treatable condition. Treatment options include medication and therapy. The patient may also need to make changes to their lifestyle.

After diagnosis with minor depressive disorder, a patient receives a treatment program that suits their needs. Psychotherapy and antidepressants are the most common forms of treatment.

In Conclusion

Even though there is no specific way to prevent minor depression, certain behaviors may help. They include building a strong support system, avoiding drugs, exercising, and talking about your feelings. You can find depression supplements and pills on Amazon.com.

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