What Does An Anxiety Attack Feel Like?

Are you not sure if the symptoms you are experiencing are an anxiety attack, panic attack, or just regular stress and overwhelm?

It’s important to know and familiarize ourselves with the signs and symptoms of an anxiety attack.

Here’s how to recognize the signs and symptoms and find the relief you need.

What is Anxiety and Anxiety Disorder?

Before we delve into what an anxiety attack feels like, let’s first understand what anxiety is.

Anxiety is a natural response to danger. It is the body’s instinctive fight-or-flight response.

This response is triggered when you feel vulnerable, unsafe, or under pressure. When we experience anxiety in moderation, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. In fact, a healthy amount of stress is good for us. It can help you to stay alert. Also, stress can motivate us to take action and solve problems.

However, when we feel anxious, stressed, and worried that lingers for extended periods of time, this is when it can be diagnosed as an anxiety disorder.

In addition, when your feelings of worry and anxiousness interfere with your daily life, activities, and relationships, this is when you most likely have an anxiety disorder.

Let’s delve deeper into some facts about anxiety.

Fast Facts About Anxiety and Anxiety Attacks

How Do You Know You’re Having an Anxiety Attack?

It’s important to know and be able to identify when you are experiencing an anxiety attack. This will help you also know what to do when you are experiencing such an event.

An anxiety or panic attack often occurs suddenly. Additionally, the symptoms can climax within 10 minutes from when they began.

You may experience one or more of the following symptoms:

Of course, the symptoms may vary from person to person. Some experience intense attacks that can happen without prior warning. While another person may live with a constant feeling of fear, worry, and heaviness.

But despite their difference, one thing they have in common is that the person experiencing it feels an intense pressure that is not in proportion to the situation at hand.

An anxiety attack can get triggered by an impending event. This may develop slowly as the event comes. However, some people experience anxiety attacks at random moments, without any trigger.

Additionally, it’s important to note that a person experiencing anxiety attacks may mean an indicator of an underlying disorder. It is important to seek professional medical help.

In the next section, we’ll delve into the physical and mental symptoms of an anxiety attack.

Physical Symptoms of An Anxiety Attack

Mental Symptoms of An Anxiety Attack

How to Cope When You Have an Anxiety Attack

It’s important to note that not everyone who worries a lot has an anxiety disorder.

You may feel anxious and worried because of a lot of different factors. These may include an overly demanding schedule, pressure at work or home, or a lack of exercise or sleep.

Here are a few ways to manage your symptoms.

Stay Connected with Loved Ones.

Loneliness and isolation can make your anxiety and attacks worse or more frequent.

Sharing what you are going through with a trusted friend or loved one will help ease the burden. Try opening up to a loved one or seek professional help.

Get More Sleep

Sleep is an important tool to keep your mind and body healthy. When you are suffering from anxiety disorders, the more you will want to get enough rest each night.

Practice Mindfulness and Meditation Techniques

When practiced regularly, mindfulness and meditation are great tools to help ease your anxiety attacks. Make it a habit to set aside some time to listen in and tune in to your body.

This way, when you do start experiencing the symptoms of an attack, you’ll be more equipped to overcome them.

Related: Top Ten Natural Remedies for Anxiety

In Summary

If the feelings of stress and fear overwhelm you and interrupt your daily activities, then it’s important to reach out and ask for professional help.

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