Top 10 Natural Remedies for Anxiety

natural remedies for anxiety

As a living and breathing human, feel occasionally anxious feelings are normal every once in a while, but those who have anxiety disorders, usually experience excessive and persistent worry and fear about every situation almost daily.

Sometimes, it’s really hard to discern how both differ because the line is too fine for us to distinguish immediately whether it’s already the type of anxiety that needs to be treated or not. Anxiety is not something that should not be treated lightly. And while it is something that is still under one’s control, here we bring you 10 natural remedies for anxiety.

Related: Discover important facts about Social Anxiety Disorder

1. Shake It Off, Get Your Body Moving

And by shaking it off through moving the body, we mean exercise! Exercise is one of the simplest natural remedies for anxiety. It burns off anxiety energy and promotes feelings of well-being. It is effective especially for people who experience anxiety after they quit smoking.

Consider performing exercises that relax your muscles. Lie down in a comfortable position and try to relax your toes working towards the shoulders.

2. Relax Your Mind and Meditate

Yoga is yet the most common way to meditate, it helps regulate one’s zen and concentration. Meditation gives your mind the chance to slow down and relax. There are plenty of meditation styles, and they are all effective. Meditation is most effective for relieving anxiety among people who experience anxiety due to eating disorders.

3. Cannabidiol Your Way Out of Stress

If feeling at ease and relaxed through taking something is your thing, albeit not wanting the ‘high’ sensation from it, CBD Oil is definitely your best friend.

Cannabidiol, widely known as CBD oil from marijuana may help you to deal with anxiety. Considered as one of the best natural remedies for anxiety, CBD is totally a better alternative as it can have relaxing benefits like the typical Cannabis.

This is so because it doesn’t contain Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis that causes the sensation of being ‘high’. There are many ways in which you could use CBD, and it will depend on how you prefer to do so.

4. Sip Some Tea and Take Health Supplements

Dating back to as early as 2737 BC in Ancient China, herbal treatments’ effectiveness, either in the form of tea or traditional supplements, definitely withstood the test of time that it still is relevant today, due to its antioxidant and calming properties that are proven already through hundreds of years that have passed. 

Herbal teas and supplements have a soothing effect. They may ease anxiety and improve insomnia. Chamomile tea is one of the most effective herbal teas for treating anxiety.

Therefore, it alters the levels of cortisol in the brain to promote feelings of well-being. Speak to your doctor before taking any herbal teas and supplements especially if you are under medication.

5. Journaling is an Amazing Natural Remedy for Anxiety

Instead of sulking away from the rest of everything and everyone and letting your heavy energy due to anxiety drag you into despair, use that heavy energy to fuel yourself in writing. It doesn’t have to be something specific, you have the liberty to scribble anything at all, no matter how random it may get.

Writing your feelings down may help you to deal with them and ease your tension from what you’re feeling. Keep a journal where you express your feelings. Further, creative writing may be effective for children and adults.

6. Inhale Some Good Scents and Aromas

Appease your sense of smell through aromatics as certain smells may be soothing to the brain. Additionally, they may help you to deal with stress and anxiety. There are a bunch of scents you could go for that totally calm the nerves. Try out a few ones before you settle for the one you like best and is comfortable for you. 

Lavender, for one, is among the most popular scents for aromatherapy out there. It is most effective for older women with insomnia, which are also symptoms alongside anxiety.

However, smells that work well for one person may not be pleasing for others,

7. Bond With Pets! (The Best Natural Remedy for Anxiety)

A lot of people who have pets can attest to how stress-relieving it is to be able to care and spend time with their little critters at home or in places where there are some, may it be a dog, a cat, a hamster, or anything at all. 

Spending time with animals is one of the best natural remedies for anxiety. Animals can offer companionship and support. According to research, interacting with them can improve your general well-being. It can alleviate anxiety and stress.

However, you do not need to spend time with dogs or cats if you are allergic. There are plenty of animals out there. Studies show that spending time with crickets is an effective way for older adults to improve their psychological health. It reduces anxiety and stress.

8. Recharge Your Energy With Acupuncture

When you’re anxious, your energy vibrations tend to get weak, thus, affecting the rest of your mental and bodily functions. Good thing, acupuncture exists.

Acupuncture is one of the most effective natural remedies for anxiety. It helps to correct imbalances based on the principle that energy flows through meridians in the body. Further, activating the channels and maintaining the flow of energy can help you improve your mental and physical health.

Furthermore, according to traditional Chinese medication, anxiety is caused by an imbalance in the kidney and heart. Acupuncture may help to treat it.

9. Less Caffeine, Less Tension

Do you feel excessive jitters after drinking your daily morning coffee? Think you’re taking in too much more than what you need? Even though caffeine may boost your energy and improve productivity, it is not good for your health as it may increase anxiety.

To avoid that, you may reduce your intake of tea, chocolate, soda, and any other beverages that contain caffeine.

10. Go Get That (Vitamin) D!

The sun’s out, so should you! Let the heat beat that anxiety away.

Exposure to natural sunlight for a minimum of 15 minutes a day may help to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. The break will take your mind away from the stress of daily life and help you to enjoy the benefits of being outdoors.

The good thing about it? It’s totally free! This makes it the most attainable out of all the natural remedies as it does not cost anything, plus it’s readily available during the daytime.


These are only a few ways to alleviate one’s anxiety that is most convenient to do. However, it is still up to you which of these you will apply upon yourself, after all, it is your mental health, particularly your anxiety, we’re talking about. 

Don’t worry if none of these solutions work for you, mental health is the same as any other health problem and should be treated by professionals. 

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