How to Stop Panic Attacks

Are you getting panic attacks?

Have you ever felt that weird sensation during a stressful moment or when you’re anticipating something that scares you? Panic attacks or anxiety attacks stem from your fear manifesting into physical sensations.

The attacks start with shortness of breath, dizziness, pounding of your chests, and your body tensing up. If you constantly suffer from that, here are some ways on how to stop panic attacks:

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Keep calm and relax.

Now that you recognize and understand that you are simply having panic attacks, you need to clear your headspace and tell yourself that this is nothing serious.

Some people mistake panic attacks for a heart attack that’s why the fear intensifies and the attack becomes uncontrollable. Find something or someone that could help you relax during your attacks.

Breathe in, breathe out.

Use deep breathing to control hyperventilating which is a sign of a panic attack. Focus on your breathing and do it through your mouth to get more air into your chest and prevent the tightness and pain in the chest that could occur later. It also helps if you could go outside and get some fresh air.

Avoid noise and distractions.

You could close your eyes or cover your ears especially if you are in a passive environment that is filled with stimuli or triggering factors that could be feeding your attack.

Blocking out whatever triggers the attack can also help you focus on your breathing. It would be best if you can get to a place where there are fewer people and the noise is minimal.

Relax your muscles.

Since panic attacks can freeze up the body, using muscle relaxation techniques can help stop a panic attack by helping your body control its response as much as possible. You could start by simply relaxing your shoulders or fingers. Do small simple stretches and sit comfortably.

Divert focus to positive thoughts.

Some people find it helpful to picture a happy memory or place. This has been found to be helpful in distracting yourself from your panic and you calm yourself down. 

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Take prescribed medications.

Taking Benzodiazepines can be helpful in treating your panic attacks especially for people with a panic disorder diagnosis. 

Engage in physical exercise.

Finally, you could engage in light exercises that will keep your blood pumping just right to avoid the numbness of the skin. You can take a walk or a quick swim that will take your mind off things and stop your panic attack.

Some people can even take a bit of stress away from singing or letting out a big shout but always remember to keep your breathing at a relaxed pace.

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