Mindfulness Meditation For Anxiety

meditation for anxiety

Mindfulness Meditation for Anxiety: Overview

Does mindfulness meditation for anxiety work? How effective is it?

The coronavirus pandemic has definitely been difficult for everyone around the globe. With so many problems arising in the past year due to the pandemic, we are seeing higher numbers of people dealing with stress and anxiety.

In this article, we delve into a powerful way you can use to cope with your anxiety – and that’s meditation.

Mindfulness meditation is the practice of observing our thoughts and feelings as a third person without any judgment. We observe our thoughts and feelings from a distance and this way, we gain control over our overwhelming feelings of anxiety.

There are studies that show mindfulness meditation can help one deal with anxiety, pain management, and other physical or mental conditions.

Let’s first get to know what anxiety is.

Anxiety is the way the body responds to too much stress. A person experiencing anxiety generally feels fear, discomfort, and a general sense of doom.

When handled properly, anxiety can be used as a tool to motivate oneself. This can help a person confront a fear, an issue, or even avoid danger. However, when anxiety becomes a constant state for a person, that’s when it can become detrimental and harmful.

Additionally, when one is in a constant state of anxiety, that’s when it becomes a disorder.

When a person experiences anxiety, he or she has irrational and racing thoughts. What mindfulness meditation does is relax the body and mind in order to manage these thoughts.

Let’s take a closer look at how meditation is connected with our general well-being and how mindfulness meditation can be used for anxiety.

Mindfulness Meditation for Anxiety and Well-Being

A person with an anxiety disorder has continuous racing thoughts. Through mindfulness meditation, one is able to be the observer of those thoughts and learns not to react to them.

Meditation helps clear up information overload that is built up from everyday stress and problems.

Here are a few ways mindfulness meditation is good for our mental and emotional well-being

With that said, here are a few ways mindfulness meditation can lessen or help you deal with anxiety.

How Mindfulness Meditation Helps with Anxiety

The amygdala is the part of one’s brain that is responsible for emotional perception. Research using MRI scans has shown that the amygdala can actually grow smaller in size during meditation. Additionally, it also becomes thicker which makes it stronger at fending off stress and anxiety.

During stress and anxiety, people experience a lot of ruminating thoughts and feelings. Most of the time, these feelings and sensations are heightened during stressful moments.

Through mindfulness meditation, the intensity of the body and brain’s reaction to a stressful situation is lowered.

Mindfulness Meditation Tips for Anxiety

So, how does mindfulness meditation actually help with anxiety?

Mindfulness is about focusing on the present moment. It is a practice of turning our attention and focus to what is happening now and learning how to observe the mind.

Although there is a lot of connotation that mindfulness meditation means emptying the mind, this is not true. We have thousands of thoughts each day and it is impossible to get rid of all of these thoughts.

What mindfulness meditation does is that it helps us step away from the noise in our mind and just see ourselves as an observer of these thoughts. Through mindfulness meditation, we learn how to just observe these thoughts without judging or reacting to them.

Here are some of our top tips to use mindfulness meditation for anxiety and stress.

Set Your Intentions for the Day

When you set an intention for the day, you train your mind to learn how to focus. This helps remind you of why you are doing something.

You can set your intention during your meditation or when you journal or even while taking your cup of coffee.

If for example, you are feeling anxious about the day ahead, set an intention for the day. What would you like to focus on today that brings you closer to your true purpose or that brings you joy?

Practice Deep Breathing

Our breath is our anchor. We can always come back to it whenever we feel stressed or anxious.

Deep breathing is a great exercise for beginners who want to deal with their anxiety.

In order to do this, concentrate on the breath. tune in to the sensations you feel when you inhale. Hold that inhale for a few seconds at the top and then exhale through the mouth.

Breathe deeply and slowly and listen to your breath.

It is possible and natural that your attention and mind will wander while you are practicing deep breathing. Slowly return your focus back to the breath. Do this several times until you feel a sense of calmness and peace.

Try a Body Scan

When practicing mindfulness meditation, try doing a body scan.

In order to do this technique, find a comfortable position. You can either sit or lie down. Once comfortable, close your eyes and tune in to your breath.

Become aware of each part of your body. Begin at the top of your head until the tips of your toes.

In each body part, become aware of the sensations. Do you feel any tension? Pain? Warmth? Or relaxation?

As you continue your body scan practice, combine it with deep breathing exercises to maximize its full benefits.

Use a Mantra

Having a mantra while you practice mindfulness meditation can be very powerful. Practice chanting this mantra several times either quietly in your head or out loud.

You can create your own mantra or use one of these below:

Walk and Meditate

Meditating is a great way to relax and when you combine it with a gentle walk outdoors, you have a great way to help lessen your stress and anxiety.

When you are suing this method, practice slowing down your pace when walking. Notice the sights and sounds around you. Try to notice the smallest things that you wouldn’t have noticed beofre.

You can also try noticing each step as you walk. Notice the movement of your legs and feet as you walk. Don’t focus on the destination but on the journey. Be mindful of how you feel throughout your walk.

This is a great way to quiet the mind.

Focus on Love and Gratitude

For this practice of mindfulness meditation, close your eyes and breathe deeply.

Now, focus all your attention on who or what you feel grateful for today. It may be your family, friends, loved ones, your health, your wellness, your pets, the roof over your head, or anything as simple as a good cup of coffee.

When you shift your mind to focus on the good, it becomes more resilient when dealing with negative situations.

What If You are Struggling to Practice Mindfulness Meditation?

Practicing mindfulness meditation is not always easy, especially during difficult times. But when you have a consistent practice duiring your good days, it will definitely help you during the bad ones.

Here are some tips you can use if you are finding it difficult to enter into a meditative state.

Make Mindfulness Meditation a Part of Your Routine

When you add this into your daily schedule, mindfulness meditation becomes part of your routine and part of who you are. It takes consistent practice in order to become better at it and reap its benefits.

Try Apps for Mindfulness Meditation for Anxiety

There are so many available apps online that guide you through a meditation session. Additionally, you can use YouTube videos of guided meditations a well.

Be Proud of Your Small Progress

Small progress is still progress. Even if you were only able to meditate for five minutes today, it’s still better than nothing.

Celebrate even the smallest achievements.

Mindfulness Meditation for Anxiety: Conclusion

When you practice mindfulness meditation consistently, it can be a great tool to help you deal with stress, worries, and anxiety.

Start small and build your way up.

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